IFLA Arbitration Terms and Conditions document: a suggested smorgasbord?

February 10, 2015 Posted by:

The members of FamilyArbitrator have been collating a comprehensive template Terms and Conditions document, which is freely available here for parties and arbitrators to adopt for IFLA arbitrations, and to adapt as they wish.

All sides to an arbitration will need to consider a number of issues before sitting down at the table to tuck into the process, and we hope that this draft sets out a comprehensive menu of options, served in appetising but plain language, to suit all tastes.

This document represents the combined efforts of Sir Peter Singer, Gavin Smith, Rhys Taylor and Andrzej Bojarski. Collectively we are building a bank of useful family arbitration practice materials which can be found at the “Key Information” section of www.FamilyArbitrator.com.

This is a work in progress. Every draft such as this can be improved, and we would very much like to receive your comments which we shall aim to reflect in future versions available in the same way and from the same source in due course.
