Revised documentation for IFLA Child Arbitration Scheme now available

November 2, 2016 Posted by:

IFLA on 1 November 2016 has issued revised editions of the CS Scheme Rules and the initiating Form ARB1CS which supersede those current since the Child Arbitration Scheme commenced in July.

The safeguarding and welfare provisions have been simplified and now require every party to obtain and submit a Basic Disclosure from Disclosure Scotland, and to complete and submit a Safeguarding Questionnaire. They must also submit any relevant letter or report prepared by CAFCASS or by a local authority children’s department or similar agency.

Form ARB1CS now includes the Safeguarding Questionnaire which every party must complete and submit.

There is a new provision excluding from the scope of an IFLA CS arbitration any case where a person with parental responsibility is not a party to the arbitration.

Both revised documents are accessible on this site and can be downloaded. The Rules are here and the Form ARB1CS is here.
